Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Should drugs be made legal?

There are many arguments as to whether drugs should be made legal or not. Of course by drugs I do not mean medicine, but designer drugs such as Ecstacy and Ketamine and hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
Personally i feel that they should be made legal, though access should be restricted only to those above age eighteen. Why? Well, I feel that like clubbing or having a holiday, all of us need an avenue to de-stress ourselves from the rigours of work or everyday life. Drugs provides an outlet for us to relax our senses and to detach ourselves from reality for an hour or two. Drugs are also relatively cheap and they can be enjoyed within the comforts of your own home. Cheap, convenient and fuss free, drugs actually offer fast relive of pressure for those constantly on the move. Professionals, middle class workers, even housewives would all have a benefit from use of drugs to help relieve themselves psychologically. Of course there would be abuse and the effects that drugs have on the user psychically is something to be worried about, but i feel the pros outweigh the cons here. Even if the cons outweigh the pros, i still can't see why smoking and alcoholism which kills more than 3 million people every year all over the world is allowed while drugs which definately does not have as high a killing ratio as the two, is banned.
Drugs should be made legal, albeit with some restrictions. Most of us just one a moment or two of paradise in this hell we call life. Drugs will provide the solution.