Marriage was once considered the most sacred of commitments. The holy vow once sworn upon could never be broken. To commit adultery or to even think about divorce was considered to be as sacrilegious and taking a piss on a bible. Fast forward to modern day and you find that most modern marriages have one thing in common -- once you've attended a marriage, you get yourself prepared to attend the divorce party straight away. Marriages nowadays are taken with a pinch of salt and the vows seem to be just mere formalities in the ritual, not something worth taking seriously. Let us take some time to take a look at the factors that led to this degeneration of values.
One very obvious reason is the erection -- pun intended -- of the Women's Chapter. This benchmark for human rights -- or should it be sex rights? -- has helped to bridge the inequality between men and women and helped to establish women as the most demanding creatures on Earth. Women whom in the past will have to think thrice about divorce now brandish it as a weapon in every argument because the Women's Chapter protects them! They are entitled to alimony, a share of the estate, access to children (if any), and they can even ask for a protection order against the husband coming too close to her if she so desires! Equality of the sexes? Urban myth.
Another reason is of course the ease with which divorce can be arranged in modern times. One can divorce the spouse via sms, email, FedEx, snail mail, Msn, Irc, lawyers letters, etc., and the best thing is that all it takes is a signature to end everything. No qualms about breaking oaths, appeasing fathers and mothers in law, the hdb queue or the baby bonuses. You piss me off and tomorrow you'll receive my lawyer's letter so you better watch out buddy.
One very obvious reason is the erection -- pun intended -- of the Women's Chapter. This benchmark for human rights -- or should it be sex rights? -- has helped to bridge the inequality between men and women and helped to establish women as the most demanding creatures on Earth. Women whom in the past will have to think thrice about divorce now brandish it as a weapon in every argument because the Women's Chapter protects them! They are entitled to alimony, a share of the estate, access to children (if any), and they can even ask for a protection order against the husband coming too close to her if she so desires! Equality of the sexes? Urban myth.
Another reason is of course the ease with which divorce can be arranged in modern times. One can divorce the spouse via sms, email, FedEx, snail mail, Msn, Irc, lawyers letters, etc., and the best thing is that all it takes is a signature to end everything. No qualms about breaking oaths, appeasing fathers and mothers in law, the hdb queue or the baby bonuses. You piss me off and tomorrow you'll receive my lawyer's letter so you better watch out buddy.
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