Sunday, January 02, 2005


Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself this question seriously -- Are you a homosexual? Most people would laugh and annouce convincingly that they're a true blue healthy heterosexual man/woman. But research points out that over 70% of us have doubts over their own sexual orientation at one point or another in out lives. Take a walk along the streets of orchard road and count for yourself how many lesbians or gays you see. Homosexuality in Singapore has come a long way since the homophobia phase we went through in the past. So what is the homosexual scene like currently in Singapore?

Take a look around you. Are you able to spot the homosexual-friendly establishments around Singapore? The truth is the commercial and entertainment establishment have picked up this formerly untapped market and are beginning to market many of their products and services towards this group. The general impression is that homosexuals are quite affluent and they go for quality products with very little regard for the price. They always hang out at the hippest night spots and spend quite a sum there, especially on nights dedicated to them.

However, there is still that little nick in the legal system which is perhaps a hangover from our homophobia past -- it is still illegal to engage in fellatio. Though the law has relaxed over lesbian oral sex, male fellation is still very muched punishable by fines or imprisonment or both! Even if one did not engage in the acts, as long as it can be proven that there was intention to do so, it is a punishable offence!