Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Memory replacement

All of us have suffered heart breaks. The only difference is to what extent are we affected by what happened. Some of us carry on wiht life as usual, as if nothing had happened, but there are many of us who will have a part of us lost through every heart break and feel like life would never be the same again. Some might not even find enough reason to carry on struggline. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were able to erase those horrible memories and start life afresh.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, that was the movie i got this idea from. In it the protagonist had a girlfriend who went through a medical process through which her unhappy relationship with him was throughly erased. Angry and disappointed with her, he tried to go through the process too. But during the process, while he is in his mind watching his memories getting erased one by one, he suddenly realises the stupidity and rashness of his decisions, and fights to save what precious memories he had left. It was at the point of total 1erasure of memories that he realised that, yes heartbreaks are difficult to get over and they sometimes stay with you throughout your whole life. But, the memories you have with someone you love is probably the most priceless thing you will ever own. Once their gone, they can never come back. You can't go back time to relive them again. The person whom you spent so much time in happinessm anger, sadness, and joy with gone forever just like that.

What makes us all human is the fact that we can feel. We can communicate. We feel. We have a brain that stores memory and obtains new information. If we are able to just erase our painful memories just like that, whats to say we will one day become just like robots, programmed to just be happy and empty for the rest of our lives. Those who have watched Stepford Wives would know how disastrous a society like that can be.